Thursday, December 8, 2011

My first weigh in and a little surprise.....

Today is day 8 of my Ideal Protein diet.  Last night I had my first official weigh in and I lost 6 pounds and just over 6 inches! I lost 2 inches just in boobs, which I think is great because my bras weren’t fitting before I started the diet and I WAS NOT going to buy new ones. I am really proud of myself! There have been some days that were harder than others but I have remained strong and keep telling myself that I won’t have to be on this diet forever. I often find myself daydreaming about food though. I like to plan and re-plan my “first meal” Today I’m thinking mac and cheese and hotdogs! I found myself dreaming of our local pizzeria last night. The one thing I love about this diet is that I don’t feel like I am starving myself. There are days where I struggle to eat what I am supposed to because the food they provide you fills you up.
 A couple of nights ago I was surprised to discover that I had gotten my period….because of the type of birth control that I am on I don’t get a normal cycle and haven’t gotten my period in over 6 years. I called up a friend who is also on the ideal protein diet and asked what she thought this could be from. She laughed and asked if our IP advisor told me that my birth control won’t work. This is one piece of information that she forgot to tell me. I asked her about it yesterday when I weighed in and she said that due to hormone variations some types of hormonal birth control become ineffective while on the diet. She told me that my type of birth control should remain effective but I should be careful the next couple of weeks until my hormones straighten themselves out. This is one part of the diet that I do not like!
Most of the foods that they offer are pretty good. Some of my favorites are the hot cocoa and chocolate shakes. I have run into a couple that I will NEVER eat again and some that I might try again but with different seasonings. One that I will never eat again is the omelet. I had an omelet for lunch today but I scrambled it (I may or may not know how to cook and omelet ;)) I added the scrambled omelet to my salad and began to eat lunch. I decided that I was not a fan of it, but didn’t want to waste it so I got some pickles and every time I took a bite of the omelet I took a bite of pickle to overpower the flavor. Well half way through my salad this stopped working and I had to make a mad dash to the restroom…..I made myself a hot coca and through away the rest of the salad.
If you are on the IP diet what is your favorite food so far?

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